Americano Coffee Recipe

How to Make a Delicious Americano at Home

From cold brew to cappuccino, there are seemingly endless ways to enjoy a cup of coffee. And while most Americans default to standard drip coffee with sugar and milk, there are countless better options out there.

One of our favorites is the Americano. Despite the all-American name, it’s not the classic cup of coffee that most American families whip up in the morning. It’s relatively stronger and quite tastier, and if you haven’t indulged in one in a while (or ever), now is the time to try an Americano coffee recipe.

Ready to switch up your daily morning coffee routine? 

Here’s how to make a delicious Americano at home.

What is an Americano?

Before we get into how to make an Americano, let’s talk about what it is. It may sound fancy, but the fact is, it is one of the easiest drinks to make (and one of the most delicious to savor).

An Americano is nothing more than an espresso watered down with hot water. It takes the bold, flavorful taste of a rich shot of espresso yet breaks it down just a bit with hot water. 

The Americano became a popular coffee drink in World War II. Specifically in Italy and France, where many American soldiers were stationed to fight the war.

The Italian and French coffee cultures center around espresso, which is stronger than the daily morning coffee that most Americans drink. Watering it down with some hot water turned the traditional espresso into something that most Americans could enjoy, hence the name Americano.

So what does an Americano taste like? It has all the lovely bitterness of a traditional espresso, but the addition of water makes it taste more like the coffee that Americans are accustomed to. 

Like all espresso drinks, you can make it with one shot of espresso or two. The more shots you add, the more powerful the taste.

Related: What Everyone Should Know About French Coffee.

How to Make the Perfect Americano at Home

Shot of espresso

Ready to learn how to make the perfect Americano at home? 

The first step is to know how to make espresso.

With regular drip coffee, you put your coffee grounds into the machine and let the hot water soak the grinds until it starts to drip into the carafe.

Espresso, on the other hand, requires that you push that hot water through the grounds at high pressure. That high pressure results in a faster extraction time and gets the flavor out of the beans quicker. It also results in a more powerful brew.

A classic espresso is served in a demitasse cup that holds about two to three ounces of brewed coffee. The mug is intentionally small because no one expects you to add milk or cream or sugar or other additives. But with an Americano, you’ll need to add some water, so you’ll need a slightly larger cup.

First, of course, you’ll need some beans. Shop Taylor Lane’s selection of organic coffees here.

How to Make Espresso

Espresso doesn’t refer to a particular flavor or a specific bean — it’s all dependent on how you make it. And the easiest way to make espresso is with an espresso machine.

Here’s how to make a great espresso (assuming you have an espresso machine).

Step 1: 

Fill your water reservoir with filtered water, then turn on and preheat your espresso machine.

Step 2: 

Get out your scale and your burr grinder. You’ll need to weigh out your beans then grind them to a fine texture (much finer than you would grind for a regular cup of drip coffee). For a great cup of espresso, grind your coffee similar to the texture of table salt. 

To make one cup of espresso, grind approximately eight grams of coffee beans. If you like your espresso stronger, you can make a double shot, using about 15-18 grams of coffee beans.

Step 3: 

Pour your ground coffee into the portafilter basket of your espresso machine.

Step 4: 

Tamp your coffee grinds by lightly tapping the side of the portafilter. If there are too many grinds in the filter, level off the top, so it’s flat and smooth. The best espresso-making baristas will tell you that you need your grounds to be flat and even, with a level top.

Step 5: 

Put your portafilter into your espresso machine and press the button to start brewing.

Step 6: 

Give it about 25 seconds of extraction time, then pull the shot of espresso. The machine creates pressure and does the hard work for you.  

Keep in mind that the beans you use can make a big difference in your coffee taste.

Espresso coffee beans are slightly different from regular coffee beans used for drip coffee. They’re generally roasted longer and darker. When shopping for beans, opt for dark roasted beans as opposed to light or medium roasts.

And while many of us rely on our morning Americanos to give us a jolt of caffeine, you can also make a decaf version if that’s what you prefer.

A single shot of espresso has about 77 mg of caffeine. Most people can safely consume up to 400 milligrams of caffeine per day, so if you’re an all-day coffee drinker, it’s best to limit your Americano intake to a maximum of four per day. 

Excessive caffeine intake can lead to headaches, irritability, increased heart rate, and a variety of other unpleasant side effects.

How to Turn Your Espresso Into an Americano

Once you have an espresso shot ready to drink, it’s easy to turn it into an Americano.

Step 1: 

Pull a 3-ounce espresso shot into its own glass.

Step 2: 

Fill the coffee mug you intend to drink from with approximately 3 ounces of hot water.

Step 3: 

Pour the espresso shot into the mug with water.

That’s it — you’ve just made an Americano!

Prefer to drink your coffee on ice? 

You can turn a traditional Americano into an iced Americano by merely switching out the boiling water for cold water and ice. To make an iced Americano, fill your cup with ice cubes and cold water, then pour your espresso shot on top.

Not sure an Americano is for you? Here's How to Compare Coffee Drinks and Find Your Go-To.

How to Make an Americano Without an Espresso Maker

Want to give that Americano a try but don’t have an espresso maker at home? 

There are a variety of other ways to make espresso that don’t require a fancy espresso machine.

Whether you brew coffee in a French press or drip machine, here are several ways to make an Americano with the equipment you already have at home.

The key to really great coffee is starting with the freshest coffee beans available. Learn How to Keep Your Coffee Fresh for Longer [7 Storage Tips].

How to Make Espresso in a French Press

To make espresso in a French press, start by putting a kettle of water on the stove to boil. While your water is boiling, grind your coffee. You’ll need about 20 grams of fine grounds per cup of water you plan to add.

Remove the plunger from your press and put the grounds in. Pour about ¼ cup water over the grounds so that they bloom. Once you see the grounds bloom, add the other ¾ cups of water.

Let it steep for about four minutes, push the plunger down to the bottom of the press, and pour your brew into your coffee cup. If you want to turn it into an Americano, have your cup half-filled with hot water before pouring the espresso in.

How to Make Espresso With an AeroPress

Boil your water, grind your beans, and put your AeroPress on top of your coffee cup. Fill the AeroPress with two tablespoons of ground espresso beans, add a cup of hot water, mix it around, and let it sit for about 30 seconds.

Then, just press down on your plunger to push all the espresso out.

How to Make Espresso With a Drip Coffee Maker

With high-quality espresso beans, you can make a delicious cup of espresso with almost any drip coffee maker. Start by heating your water and placing your coffee grinds into the filter. Pour in enough hot water to cover the grounds and wait about thirty seconds for the grounds to absorb the water.

Then, add more hot water and wait until it drips through. Pour it into your cup and enjoy it!

How to Make Espresso With a Moka Pot

You can also make espresso in a Moka pot on the stove. Start by grinding your beans and filling your Moka pot with water up to the fill line in the bottom chamber. Add the coffee grounds to the basket and level them off so that you have a flat, even top.

Don’t tamp your grounds — it will stop the coffee from flowing into the top chamber.

Put your Moka pot on the stove on medium heat and wait about three minutes. At the three-minute mark, you should start to see the coffee flowing into the top chamber. Pour it into your cup for a straight shot of espresso, or pour it into a cup of hot water to enjoy a delicious Americano!

It’s always easier to make espresso in an espresso machine, but you can do it with a French press, AeroPress, drip maker, or Moka pot. As long as you have good beans to work with, you should be able to produce a delicious cup of espresso, no matter which method you use.

Thinking of bringing home a new brewer? Check out The Pros and Cons of the Electric French Press

Is it Weird to Put Milk in an Americano?

Americano with milk

We are certainly not here to judge what’s weird and not weird. But the classic Americano recipe does not include milk of any kind.

The Starbucks Caffe Americano Misto has convinced many an American coffee lover that they like Americanos. But it’s quite different from what a traditional Americano is.

However you like your coffee is up to you, and if that means adding steamed milk to your Americano, then so be it. Just know that an Americano with milk isn’t actually an Americano at all — it’s a latte.

And lattes are delicious.

So if you’re in the mood for an Americano with milk, what you really want to order at your local coffee shop is a latte. 

Don’t want to stand in line at your neighborhood coffee shop? Here’s how you can make one at home, even if you don’t have an espresso machine that steams milk.

How to Steam Milk Without an Espresso Machine

There are a variety of other easy, effective ways to steam milk without an espresso machine. Some need a bit of elbow grease, but they all work in a pinch.

The Jar Method

Heat up some milk, add it to a jar, and put the lid on tight. Shake, shake, shake, and you’ll start to see frothy milk with large bubbles.

The Mixer Method

Add warm milk to a mixing bowl and get out your electric mixer. Mix it until you have as much or as little froth as you like.

The Whisk Method

Add warm milk to a mixing bowl and grab your favorite whisk. Whisk furiously in a back and forth method until you have perfectly frothed milk.

The Immersion Method

Put your immersion blender to good use by using it to make some frothed milk. Warm milk in a pot and turn the blender on low. Just be sure to use a deep pot; otherwise, you may end up with milk spraying out all over your countertop (and yourself).

Speaking of milk here’s How to Pick the Right Dairy (Real or Vegan) for Your Coffee.


The traditional café Americano is a delicious coffee drink that’s simple and quick to make. With a single or double shot of espresso and an equal amount of hot water, you can make a yummy Americano at home in a matter of a few seconds.

And while we enjoy our espresso drinks straight, go ahead and add sugar, steamed milk, or whatever other extras you prefer. How you take your coffee is a personal preference. Make it the way you like it, no matter what anyone else has to say. 

If you ever find yourself rolling through the gorgeous Sonoma county area, stop in at Taylor Lane and let one of our expert baristas make your Americano for you!


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