Origin Snapshots: Jarabacoa, Dominican Republic

Enjoying our single origin Jarabacoa? Then you'll love these snapshots from the farm. During the summer I had the chance to visit APROCAFE- our farmer partners in Jarabacoa, Dominican Republic. Over the past two decades, this group has implemented inspiring reforestation initiatives bringing the Caribbean's highest mountain range back to life. In the DR, coffee is deeply woven into the fabric of everyday life, symbolizing the island's rich & warm hospitality. Because of you, we're able to support progressive farmer groups like APROCAFE. Read more here or send this coffee to a friend here. Cheers!  

Kara for team TMF.





Taylor Maid Farms Coffee and Tea

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Organic Coffee Paprika Salt

February 23, 2017

Set aside some ground coffee to make a simple coffee paprika salt to add depth of flavor to grilled meat...

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