In addition to saving $1 on your coffee can refill, we'll be donating 5% of refill sales in our coffee bar to the Ceres Community Project for breast cancer awareness month. Ceres offers free home delivered healing meals to our Sonoma, Marin and Alameda county neighbors facing breast cancer and other serious illnesses.
Besides refilling your Taylor Maid can with delicious organic coffee, we've found some fun and handy ways to repurpose your extra coffee cans, including planters for vegetable starts, small flowers and succulents.
We love succulents because they're hardy, don't require a lot of watering and come in an array of shapes, colors and textures.
With just a few supplies you can have your own Taylor Maid planter in minutes!
∙ Taylor Maid Farms coffee can∙ hammer
∙ nail
∙ organic cactus soil
∙ small trowel
∙ succulents
∙ watering can
Step 1: Using a hammer and nail, create 4-5 drainage holes in the bottom of the can.
Step 2: Since succulents generally have shallow roots, we filled the can about halfway full with gravel.
Step 3: Fill the remaining half of the can with succulent soil or a mixture of cactus and potting soil. Succulents prefer fast draining soil so at least 50% of the soil should be cactus soil.
Step 4: Gather your succulents! We took cuttings from existing plants.
Step 5: Use small trowel (or even a pencil for stem-like succulents) to dig holes deep enough to cover 1-2" inches of cutting.
Step 6: Place in bright but indirect sunlight, like a north or east facing window. South or west facing windows work too as long as the succulents aren't exposed to hot, direct sun. Water every 2 weeks.
Happy planting!