Better Know a Barista: Emily


I grew up in Atascadero, near San Luis Obispo


Drink of choice here at TMF?



What is your favorite part about working in coffee?

I enjoy chatting with customers and co-workers and coming into work to the smell of ground coffee.


What do you like to do on your days off?

I spend most of my day chasing after my 11-month son, trying to keep objects out of his mouth! He doesn’t mind the car, so we like to go exploring in Sonoma County- going on hikes, going to Armstrong Woods. My husband and I enjoy wine tasting and exploring restaurants and tasting rooms in downtown Healdsburg.


Favorite place in Sonoma County?

Anadel State Park. I could also eat at Central Market (in Petaluma) everyday.



When I have the time and energy, I like to run. I like to hang out with my sisters who live in the city and we’ll go to plays and concerts.


What's the best movie you've seen in the last year?  

I don’t have time to watch too many movies but I really really love the Walking Dead! I like Ink Master too and Pretty Little Liars is my guilty pleasure.


What superpower would you rather have: the ability to fly or the ability to be invisible? What would you do with it?

The ability to fly. I don’t like flying on airplanes so if I could fly myself, I’d go to Italy once a month!


Tie dye or camo?


Taylor Maid Farms Coffee and Tea

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Organic Coffee Paprika Salt

February 23, 2017

Set aside some ground coffee to make a simple coffee paprika salt to add depth of flavor to grilled meat...

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